Vote for My Cookbook Cover!

Hey there! How have you been? I've been super busy with the building of our house and the cookbook, but I have some great posts lined up for the next couple weeks, so never fear! Don't put out a missing person report just quite yet.

In the meantime I thought it would be fun to give you the option of being a part of the cookbook; helping me decide which cover to use! As you know, I like to try to include you all in the cookbook and I thought this would be a good chance! Decisions, decisions...

Hurry to get your vote in as it ends 9pm AKST (1AM EST).

*** The voting is now closed, thank you for your help!!***

Attention All Readers - Super Exciting News!

I think I might officially be an author? That's one childhood dream I can check off the list! Today I was alerted that the cookbook is available for pre-order on AmazonBooks A Million, and Book Depository (free worldwide delivery)! The book will also available at Barnes & Noble, IndieBoundIndigo, local bookshops, and wherever books are sold. 

I'm so grateful. As I got the news I was actually writing a reader telling him how incredible it is to have connected with so many truly wonderful, friendly people through Produce On Parade. It's such a lovely thing. Without your time, the patience of my husband, the support of my family, the dedication of my recipe testers (whose personal vegan and/or cooking tips will be in the book!), the confidence of my publisher, Page Street Publishing,  and my unwavering editor, Sarah, I could only ever dream of writing this book. It really takes a village...and a whole lot of food.

My nose is ticklely and my eyes blink blurry because my heart is overfilled with joy. Thank you.

Whew! There is no way I could hold it in. Just to let you know, the cover and title aren't set in stone so don't be like, "What did I order?!" when your book arrives and doesn't look the same. Pre-orders can be essential to the success of a book, so I'm hoping that everyone is able to pre-order! Thank you all for your kindness and encouragement. It means the world!

Your friend,
